Some 20+ blogging tools that you might find useful for your blogs

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25 best blogging tools for bloggers for Successful/ effective blogging


Building your own blog is more than writing stories and articles. You need to spend countless hours on research, search engine optimization (SEO), editing, sharing, promotion and networking. All these activities are acting behind the scene to make you a successful blogger. Professional bloggers are always in search for the latest blogging tools to make their blogs SEO-friendly. If you are an aspirant blogger with big dreams, you need to be sure that you have the right SEO tools and expertise utilizing the latest technologies in your blog.

So, here is a list of actually the better blogging tools for bloggers in terms of SEO + marketing + writing + advertising + Web traffic + social media networking

SEO and blogging tools

Following the useful Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tips is a very important thing for successful blogging. How so much nice blog writing skills you may posses, but without the effective and powerful SEO tools your blog posts won't receive that much web traffic which they deserve!  Find more useful link submission and SEO blogging tools for your blog. 

For the content writing segment:

#1. WPTouch

It is a free WordPress mobile plugin for your blog. You can make your blog fully optimized for mobile phones with this thin app.

#2. Zemanta

This plugin helps you add tags, links, images and relevant articles for the content you write on your blog. It also helps you add your Instagram photos easily to your blog.

#3. Akismet

This is a spam filter plugin in WordPress. You just need to install it and leave it. It works automatically in the background and keeps the spams at bay.

#4. After The Deadline

When you want to save time on writing, After The Deadline serves you best with fast grammar, spelling and style checking capabilities. It is a highly useful proof reading assistant available as a WordPress Plugin or browser extension.

#5. Google Docs

Google Docs helps you maintain a centralized platform for your blog posts in an efficient manner. It uses the cloud synchronization function and works as a great word processor.

#6. Editorial Calendar

It is a great plugin to manage and schedule your future posts. It works like a planner and serves you right when you follow a strict plan.

#7. Google Alerts

It is an effective research tool for blogging. It gives you updates on the latest news and new topics. You can create Google alerts easily for any topic/subject/term.

#8. Evernote

This app lets you take notes from web pages and text. You can also take voice notes. This app can be used as a digital scrapbook to store random data for future use. It's also a great social bookmarking and sharing site. You save your bookmarks and share on other media sites.

#9. Dropbox

It is a popular cloud backup utility. Be ready for an uncertain future with Dropbox as it stores up all your documents and blog images in the cloud server. Use upto 5GB of free space and they also have a referral program where you can get more space if you refer your friends to Dropbox.

#10. Copy Scape &

Copy Scape is a renowned tool used by writers and bloggers around the world for checking duplicate copies of your content over the Internet. Siteliner is also a great tool for checking the duplicacy. It gives you a detailed report about the duplicate+similar content of your blog. When used, Siteliner gives a full summary of all the links, duplicates of your blog. For some points i liked it more than CopyScape.

For the marketing segment:

#11. Tweet Old Posts

This is a tiny WordPress plugin used to keep your content active all the time. You will gain more traffic when your content is in the spotlight. This tool makes it easy to tweet earlier blog posts.

#12. Feedburner & Feedly

Feeds are also an integral part of your blog. Utilize your feeds to spread the news about your every blog posts. This is a highly useful feed management utility for blogs. It makes it swift to subscribe to your blog. You can also track user data without any problem. Go to 'social buzz' section in Feedburner where you can activate automatic tweeting whenever you publish a new blog post. Feedly offers a cool embedding option for your blog feeds which you can use to promote and increase the page views for your posts. 

visit feedly here-

#13. Buffer

It is an automated scheduling application for popular social networking sites.

#14. Bloglovin

It is a good RSS feed utility. Bloglovin makes it simple to comment on your target blogs.

#15. Google KW Research tool

It is apparently a winner among those essential blogging tools that lets you discover the great potential of keywords and how to get better page ranking.

#16. Yoast for full SEO

This is a not only a great WordPress SEO plugin with full SEO capabilities but also the number #1 ranked plugin used for SEO purpose by every blogger who does blogging on WordPress CMS.


This is a web service used to shorten urls. This is specially useful if you want to hide your link or prevent it from getting spammed by using it.

#18. Google Analytics & Webmaster tools

These tools help you monitor and analyze your blogging strategies. In case you find it too complicated, you can use the WordPress version called Jetpack Site Stats. It is good to go for novice bloggers who are just getting familiar with the systems.

For the communication segment:

#19. Livefyre

It is a highly efficient comment system with social tagging; SNS comment integration and live updates.

#20. Rapporative

This is a great Gmail plugin that comes in two flavors. You can use the app from Google Marketplace or use it as a chrome plugin. The plugin gives you a quick preview of your contacts within your mail inbox.

#21. Google Apps for Business

There are hundreds of business friendly applications on the Google Marketplace.

#22. Google+

Google+ is a powerful utility that helps your blog rankings.

For the visual segment:

#23. Compfight

It is a WordPress plugin that lets you ad royalty-free images from Flickr. It suggests you images automatically based on your keywords. You can easily use images for your blog posts without wasting a single minute in searching royalty free images. Though, you should check these best websites list of royalty free and creative commons photos

#24. Thinglink

It is a unique WordPress plugin that lets you add interactive media to your blog.

#25. LoveIt

It is a Pinterest-like photo sharing platform with a lot of exciting features that you don’t see in Pinterest. Check out this great social platform and you will forget all about Pinterest within a week.

#26. Pixlr

Pixlr is an online photo editing tool that works just like your native Photoshop. The program has lots of useful photo editing features. It helps you design and develop great photos for your blog.

Some other equally usefool blogging tools for you!

#27 Free Online Word and Character Counting tools

We bloggers often happen to count words/charc. and by using this simple online tool you can easily count words and characters for any purpose. Find it here-

#28 Google url shortner - 

You would love to use this url shortner by Google. And it also keeps track of all the links & the clicks generated by them. Try it - 

#29 Convert Case -

I always use this online tool for converting sentances in any case. Like, Uppercase, sentance case, Capitalized case, AlTeRnAtiNg case, etc. A must have blogging tool 

#30 GTmetrix to check speed of your blog 

According to the recent changes on how a web page is perceived on the Internet, blog speed has become a major factor in deciding a blog's rankings in search engines. You must keep your blog as per the guidelines suggested in this tool. You can check your blog's actual speed and loading time through this online tool and make modifications accordingly.
Visit it here -

Useful websites to generate FREE web traffic for your blogs 

You should visit these websites and do some backlink generating practices. By spending some of your time over creating backlinks and submitting your content could be very very beneficial for your blog posts. In this way you could make good number of backlinks to your blog and this will improve Google page rank (PR) of your blog posts.

# Search engine submission- Submit your blog to search engines and make sure that your blog is indexed by every major search engines on the internet. In this way you can notice search engines traffic coming to your blog from multiple search engines rather than only from Google, Bing, and Yahoo. 
Submit your blog FREE to 50 best search engines list. 

# Blog directories - Blog directories are great ways to get relevant and quality back links and targeted web traffic. Most of the blog directories accept free blog submission and they quickly give your blog a backlink. They rank blogs based on their Alexa ranking and Google page rank. You might have to give a reciprocal link to get your blog listed on their blog direcory. But, that should not be a problem for willing bloggers. (* You can create a separate page to list such reciprocal links) . So, to which blog directories you should submit your blog ? Don't worry, i have listed here best blog directories. Visit them and submit your blogs there. It's really worth your time!

# Do you write articles? - Article writing could be the answer to boost your blog's over all performance on the Internet. This way you not only get high quality- high authority backlinks from article directories but also a good number of unique visitors from them. Web article submission is a great SEO tool for blogs in order to improve reputation and Google page rank of your blog. So, don't shy away, visit these best article directories and submit free articles with a link back to your posts. 

# Social bookmarking and social media sites -  Who is unaware about the usefulness of social bookmarking sites for SEO and free back link generation? Search engines index your blog posts faster if they find them through social media and bookmarking sites. Always make it a habbit to promote your blog posts on social bookmarking and social networking sites. This is one of the easiest and safest ways to drive high web traffic naturally. I have prepared the list of social sharing sites and they have been used by several thousand users to improve their blog rankings. Find them listed here - 

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