Launching Real-Time Events and Conversions Reports out of Beta

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It wasn’t too long ago that we launched events and conversions in Google Analytics Real-Time reports. We’ve heard from many of you who are using Real-Time reporting to test changes to your site, create dashboards to monitor your traffic and goals, or make rapid decisions about what content to promote today.   

That’s why we’re excited to announce that Real-Time events and conversions reports will be coming out of Beta to all users over the next few weeks. Based on your feedback, we’ve refined these reports to make them even more valuable:  you’ll soon see them in App profiles, and we’ve also added dedicated metrics for Unique Visitors.  

Events and Conversions in App Profiles

Once the development is done, launching a new version of your app is always a bit nerve-wracking. So many problems can happen at that stage, and most of the channels for finding out that things went wrong aren’t very helpful for helping you know how your whole user base is seeing things. Wouldn’t you like to know what your users are experiencing, not just what your servers or social media are telling you? With event tracking in real-time, you can use event labels and values to measure interactions at your users’ devices, so you can best understand and respond to what users are seeing in the wild.
(Click image for full-sized version)
Perhaps your latest release adds some new social features, and you want to maximize the number of people sharing content. You can add an event to a small interaction, or a view snippet to a dedicated dialog screen. Once you’ve done that, create a goal based on that interaction, and see it show up in real-time as users help spread the word.

Unique Visitors for Events and Conversions

Google Analytics users are a creative bunch, and use events and conversions for an incredibly wide variety of things - from caffeine to detailed web interactions. We’re always doing our best to help you understand your users better, which is why we’ve added Active Visitors metrics to the Real-Time Events and Conversions reports. Sharing a link or staying on a page for several minutes is great, but it’d be even better to be able to understand what percentage of your users hit a certain event or reach a particular goal in real time.  

When you create a new advertising campaign, blog post, or social media engagement, your traffic usually goes up - but without a knowledge of how individual users behave, it’s difficult to see the quality of your traffic as it changes. By looking at Active Visitor Conversions in real-time, you can better understand your conversion funnel as it’s happening: whether users are just browsing, or whether they’re actively engaging and converting.  

We hope you find the new reports valuable! We’d love to hear how you use them - let us know in the comments. Happy analyzing!

Posted by Jon Mesh, Google Analytics team

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hi all go coments

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