Today's Shopping Receipt

Posted by Unknown on

As a followup to yesterday's post, here are the results of today's supermarketing adventure:

I am having some friends over for dinner tonight.  I'm going to do some kind of roasted vegetable quinoa risotto concoction (I'll figure it out later).  What I got for that was:
-butternut squash (cut)
-2 boxes of cut shiitake mushrooms
-1 2lb bag of baby carrots
-1 bulb of fennel
-1 container of chopped red onions
-1 carton of "No Chicken" broth (to cook the quinoa in)
-1 bag of quinoa

I also got lots of apples and pears of all kinds to dip in some version of this that I plan to play with today (hence the dates on my receipt), and some kind of raw caramel concoction I'm going to base off the caramel in this (hence the coconut manna on my receipt). 

So that's it for today.  What's on your shopping receipt?

Want to submit your receipt?   Scan it and email it to me at and I will get it up on the blog ASAP!  (You might get a bounce message-- it almost definitely did not bounce.  If you do not hear from me within a day or two, I did not receive it). 
Looking forward to seeing your shopping trips!

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