The Market Receipt Challenge (or, "Should I buy that family-sized box of Oreos?")

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I have a lot of clients who ask me about what food to buy at the store (and about what to do with said items once they're bought).  A lot of people have asked to join me when I go shopping, or if they can see what I buy when I go. 

My client, Geneva, suggested that I put up a "Post Your Receipts" blog, and make suggestions about what people are buying at the store.  I thought that was a brilliant idea, so Geneva, please find a way to rephrase it so it sounds like I thought of it.   :)

In any case,  I'll start by posting my receipt from today's excursion to my own personal mecca, Whole Foods (which really should have its own Melody Wing, based on the amount of time and resources I spend there).  My favorite places to shop are the farmers' market (first and foremost!!) and Whole Foods.  I am very lucky to live in Los Angeles, where there is a farmer's market somewhere, every day of the week, 365 days a year.  They are the cheapest and freshest places to buy organic (or near-organic) produce.  Whole Foods is my second choice for buying produce and dry goods.  They have tons of extremely healthy, non-GMO, organic, and local items, and although they mark things up quite a lot, I simply cannot put a price on my health.  The quality of my food is of utmost importance to me, so I suck it up, squeeze my eyes shut, and hand my money to them.  It's really a shame that quality food needs to cost an arm and a leg, but that is another rant for another day.  Here's hoping that'll change some time in the near future.

Where was I?

Oh, right.  The shopping receipt.  I have discovered through trial and error that what works best for me is to buy a little bit every day as opposed to shop for the week one day a week.  In my experience, I end up with a lot of rotten produce that way.  So I just buy what I need for the day each day and go from there.  Here is today's receipt:

It contains:

-Organic raw pecans (I'm making raw brownies again tonight because they last about 5 minutes in my house)
-2 cartons of unsweetened flax milk (my current nondairy milk of choice)
-2 boxes of organic broccoli sprouts (I like to make wraps and salads with them)
-One box of organic garden greens (basically a carton of collards and chard that have already been prepped; I'm adding them to chili tonight)
-2 bags of organic kale salad (because it's yummy and requires no work on my part to prepare)
-One box of organic micro mustard greens (like sprouts; I use them in wraps and salads)
-An organic pink lady apple (for a snack after lunch).

So that's what I have going on today.  I can post more tomorrow or later this week if you like.

Want to submit your receipt?   Scan it and email it to me at and I will get it up on the blog ASAP!  (You might get a bounce message-- it almost definitely did not bounce.  If you do not hear from me within a day or two, I did not receive it). 

Looking forward to seeing your shopping trips!

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