Intuit Team Crunches its Own Numbers with Google Analytics Premium

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Intuit products like Quicken and TurboTax have been putting the power of numbers in the hands of users since 1983.

Which is why we're so pleased that when Intuit wanted to boost the power of analytics for one of their own teams recently, they turned to Google Analytics Premium. The details are in our new case study, which you'll find here.

The study has the full story of Intuit's Channel Marketing Team, which now uses Google Analytics Premium to measure data for multiple business segments. Once they began using it, Intuit discovered that they had been under-reporting the success of their SEO traffic by at least 27% and conversions by up to 200%.  

Those are exactly the kind of vital numbers that Google Analytics Premium is designed to provide.  

Intuit used Blast Analytics and Marketing, a Google Analytics certified partner, to build out their solution, which was configured to match Intuit's own organizational structure. That structure helped Intuit "democratize" its data so that now anyone on the team can get what they need right away, in real time. Instead of the two days it used to take to request and deliver reports, it takes two hours or less.

Simply put, Ken Wach, Vice President of Marketing at Intuit said, “Google Analytics Premium increased the speed and accuracy of actionable data that drives our business.” 

Post by Suzanne Mumford, Google Analytics Marketing

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hi all go coments

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