Easily A/B Test Your Website's Call-to-Action Using Content Experiments API

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You may have seen our news about the launch of the Content Experiments API a few months ago, and we’re excited to share one of the ways it’s been used since the launch. SiteApps created an experiment to A/B test your website’s call to action using our Content Experiments API -- take a look at their post below to see how they did it!

Live A/B testing is arguably the most scientific strategy you can use for conversion rate optimization. Nothing better than identifying what really sells more than your actual users in the real environment. And probably the call-to-action (CTA) button – “Sign-Up“, “Buy Now” or “Learn More” – is one of the most important elements to test. Some websites earned millions with a simple button change:

There’s an app for that

We created the Button Optimizer app on SiteApps to allow any website to instantly test & optimize their call-to-action without any technical knowledge (and for free!). With three simple steps, you can increase your website’s conversion right now:
  1. Install SiteApps on your website (it’s free)
  2. Create a Content Experiment in Google Analytics
  3. Add the Button Optimizer app
Then you can see this sexy report in Google Analytics and see how a small change can really impact your bottom line:

Eating our own dog food

Take a look at this video on testing the siteapps.com homepage button in under 3 minutes:

This post was cross-posted from the SiteApps blog. For step-by-step instructions, click here.

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hi all go coments

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