How I've Changed My Training for Powerlifting

Posted by Unknown on

So as you may or may not know, I'm preparing for USPA's Powerlifting National Competition in July right now.  I've been getting kinda frustrated with my numbers; I don't seem to be improving much.  And while yes, I realize that even a small increase can take quite a bit of time, and that as I am a very small person, my increases would be even smaller than most, it's still frustrating for me, because, quite frankly:

Yep.  I'm impatient (and I will use any excuse to include a Queen song in my day).

So in my quest for bigger numbers, I've tweaked my workouts quite a bit.  If you want to follow my training plan, I post it here:

I read a bunch of Westside Barbell routines as well as the training logs of other powerlifters, and I started training with a powerlifting coach once a week (I really want to do more, but my schedule won't allow it.  Boo.)   Based on all this, here's what I've changed:

-I had been training 5-6 times a week.  As of last week, I've cut it down to 4.  I think I have not been resting enough, and this is a problem.

-I am concentrating pretty much exclusively on my three lifts (bench, deadlift, squat) and on their assistance exercises.

-My four-day split consists of two days of "speed training," where I lift 50-60% of my desired max about 3 reps for 10 sets, concentrating on explosiveness.  The other two days are heavy days, and I will often do ladders on those days.

- I have started doing exercises that I have not done, literally, in over a decade.  Hamstring curls.  Hyperextensions.  Tricep presses.  Bicep curls.  It's weird to be doing this stuff again, but if it's good enough for champion powerlifters, it's good enough for me. 

-I am doing a lot less kettlebell work than I have done over the last several years, but I am continuing to do heavy double swings once or twice a week.  I love doing them, and I find that they do help my deadlift a lot. 

So that's where I'm at right now with my training.  It's very new, so it'll be interesting to see what kind of gains I make.  Keeping my fingers crossed for bigger numbers at Nationals...


How's your training going?  Have you made any changes to what you've been doing to help your goals?  Inquiring minds need to know-- post below!

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hi all go coments

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