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11 Best Ways To Increase Your Followers On Your Blog or Website

Posted by Unknown on

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To be having maximum number of Followers is something which we all would love. I know good bloggers who have been blogging for last 3 years but have less than 10 Followers. Is it because they have poor content on their website/blog? There can  be multiple reasons behind it. Let's discuss 20 best ways to increase your followers on your blog or website.

1. Install 'Follower' : The first thing you need to start getting followers is to install the 'Follower' widget on your blog/website. If you do not have any widget, you will not be getting any followers even after having a lot of loyal readers.

2. Where To Keep : Good that you are able to get a lot of traffic, but still not able to increase the number of followers? One of the most important things here is to decide on the position of your 'Follower' widget. Having the widget at the footer of the blog may not be effective in any way. Having it somewhere towards the top of the blog is always better as readers get to see that they can follow your blog easily.

3. Done, Because Asked : Promoting anything would need you to be shameless (do not spam). It will not be bad to ask people to follow your blog. Many people will follow if they have been asked to do so. There are three ways to do it. One, email or message your known people and ask them to follow your blog. Two, include a sentence on every post towards the end asking people not to forget following your blog. Three, include your blog link and a message in any comment you post on other websites/blogs.

4. Use(ful)less : If your content is useful, people would want to revisit your blog. When they want to come back, they follow your blog. Indulge yourself in providing quality content.

5. Social Sharing Tools : Allow your readers with multiple options to share your blog. The most common ones are tools like Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon, Reddit, Email, Pinterest, etc. If your blog/website do not have one, install it right away. When your blog gets shared with maximum people, you have more chances of getting more followers.

6. Do Not Do Everything : I understand that you are trying to be active on multiple social networking platforms. Do not try doing it everywhere and put yourself in a situation where nothing is working. Focus on four or five platforms and keep working till you make it work.

7. Email Signature : Include your blog link in your email signature. That ways, you will be able to share the information with anyone you are sharing with/replying to an email. 

8. Advertise It : If you do not mind spending some dollars on advertising your blog, you might even get good number of followers with the same. Do not forget to target the right audience for your advertisements.

9. Just Updated : There are plenty of readers who would love to stay connected with a blog which is updated on time with a good post frequency. No one would want to stay connected to some dead blog. Keep posting and stay to the schedule.

10. Blog Community : Join blog communities. This will increase the readers to your blog which will also help in getting increased followers.

11. Last, Not The Least : Keep working on the above mentioned 10 ways to reach a good level. The more you do it, the more followers you will get.

The above ways are surely effective for every single blog/website out there. All you need is to dedicated to it. Happy Blogging :)

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hi all go coments