A Glimpse Into Mobile Measurement and Apps Today and Tomorrow

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We recently teamed up with ClickZ to learn how marketers around the world are approaching mobile marketing and measurement, and where it’s headed next. We hope these stats will provide useful context for your planning in the coming year. Here are some of the key takeaways:

Mobile is now an important part of the integrated marketing mix

Mobile is no longer an add-on to a campaign, and for many it’s increasingly becoming a central focus.
  • 87% of marketers are planning to increase emphasis on mobile during 2013, and belief in the power of mobile is rapidly growing stronger.
  • Marketers have a broad mix of mobile tactics planned in the next year: 
    • 52% plan to create a mobile- or tablet-optimized website
    • 48% plan to increase engagement in mobile advertising 
    • 41% hope to develop a mobile app
    • 39% are planning to market a mobile app
For many, mobile measurement is still new territory
  • More than half (59%) of marketers consider themselves either novice or inexperienced when it comes to measuring mobile. This presents an opportunity for organizations to invest in training and education today to stay ahead of the curve tomorrow.
  • 58% of marketers are currently accountable for mobile metrics, and more than one-third are already sharing internal dashboards to show mobile marketing results.
Mobile measurement unlocks new opportunities
  • 53% of marketers who analyzed their mobile metrics say there is a lot of untapped opportunity and plan to increase their mobile spending.
  • Tools, technologies and talent are in demand: 68% of marketers plan to increase technology investment and ad spend, and 32% plan to focus more in talent.
A deeper look at mobile app measurement

Here’s a look at the mobile app-related metrics that marketers say matter the most to them:

As shown above, marketers are interested in measuring the full app lifecycle, which we’re excited to see as our new Mobile App Analytics covers a majority of the desired metrics marketers are seeking.

The opportunity for marketers

This research shows the opportunity that mobile offers app developers and marketers to reach consumers on the go. Effective measurement across mobile sites, ads and apps will help marketers create winning strategies. Mobile’s role in marketing is becoming a central part of integrated campaigns and will only continue to grow. We know that marketers want simple tools that help them seamlessly integrate mobile into their marketing and measurement, and we’re working hard to create robust tools to help. 

Posted by Adam Singer, Product Marketing Manager, Google Analytics

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