Today, I feel like ranting.
Lately, I've been seeing this picture floating around the Interwebs:
Let me 'splain to you why, exactly, this is the dumbest "case" ever.
So, this is Mimi Kirk. In this video, she was 71 years old. She is a raw food vegan.
This is Donald Watson, the creator of veganism, hiking to a mountaintop in his mid-90's.
This is Jack Lalanne at age 93. He promoted a vegetarian diet and did not believe humans needed milk or meat.
This is Mike Mahler. He's been vegan for years and years and years and looks pretty darn good (almost 40 years old).
This is my friend Ken Blackburn, vegetarian, and looking rather fabulous at 41 (he's the big, bald dude-- not the little white puppy):
This is Melody Schoenfeld. She'll be 40 in less than 2 years. She's been vegan for almost 12 years.
So, seriously, what's your point?
These guys are all carnivores:
And these guys are all vegetarians:
And you know what? I wouldn't mess with any of 'em.
Here's my point:
There is more than one way to do things, and this goes quintuply (is that a word?) for nutrition and fitness. Anyone who tells you that their way is the best/only way is someone not worth listening to. Everyone's body is different, and what works for one person may not work for another.
So, does being vegan mean that you're doomed to a life of weakness, flabbiness, and wrinkly skin? Clearly not-- just as being a meat-eater does not guarantee you the fountain of youth and huge muscles. If it works for you, do it. If it doesn't, find what does. But, holy crap, stop with the giant generalizations. It's ignorant, it's annoying, and it's wrong.
/end rant
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hi all go coments