Why I Do It ~ A Client Success Story

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This is WHY I do It
I am over-the-top excited about this Blog!!!  I wake up every day with excitement to help people adapt healthy lifestyles and when my clients have been walking the talk of Stay Healthy Fitness, it definitely shows.  I schedule new client assessments 12 weeks out from initial intake giving their bodies a chance to change and to see the results of their dedication.  I get just as excited about assessment day as they do and it is a proud trainer moment....this is my reward…watching their faces light up, listening to all the great ways they have changed, how much they are enjoying the foods, feeling good, having more energy, less pain, and overall confidence…the comments are endless…and the celebration for that moment…PRICELESS!!!   Living a Stay Healthy life means having a quality life inside and out, and I am so happy to be able to walk beside so many fabulous people to educate, coach, and celebrate every moment of progress that brings them closer to their goals.  When a client comes to me for the first time and shares that they want to look better, feel better, have more energy…and the list goes on and on…we begin our journey as a trainer/client team and together we work to obtain those goals.  It takes discipline each day and a progressive approach celebrating every small victory with each step closer to the goal.  The beautiful part about starting to live a Stay Healthy life are the benefits that go unseen but are exciting for me to share with them as a trainer…decreased cholesterol and blood pressure readings, decreased resting heart and recovery heart rates, decreased BMI, decreased body fat measurement…and my physiological list can go on and on.  The more obvious benefits of creating a “New You” and shout YEAH…LOOK I AM DOING IT…are reduced weight, decreased body fat, inches lost, strength and stamina gained, increased range of motion…all that defines the outward appearance of what healthy feels like and what friends and family notice.  The combination is absolutely my wish for everyone and my passion to reach out and help as many people as I can to live a Stay Healthy Life…this is Why I Do It…It is people like Cindy that make it easy for me to say to myself…YES, Darla, continue to do this!  So, let me introduce my wonderful client Cindy to you…I am so excited about her accomplishments and I will not give it all away here, but I will let you read her story, feelings, and WOW moment of her assessment results and so much more.  Cindy is 59 years young and our Stay Healthy Fitness journey together began in May 2011:  

Stay Healthy Fitness Success Story
Cindy, age 59


Darla has provided me with the tools to change my life.  Prior to contacting Darla, I was exhausted all the time and I felt like I didn’t have the time to workout or prepare special meals.  Shopping for clothes was depressing and I needed resuscitation after getting on the scales.  The big 6-0 was approaching and I didn’t want to spend the future in a recliner.  So, I messaged Darla for help explaining to her that I also had a health condition requiring me to take weight gaining medications.  Darla was encouraging and supportive...exactly what I needed to make my 12-week transformation, a loss of 23 inches and 19 pounds.  No unhealthy weight loss tricks, just clean, simple meals and workable exercise routines.  Darla is extremely knowledgeable and continually concerned about preventing injuries and often providing me modifications to avoid inflaming painful joints.  She was also helpful in unlocking a health mystery for me.  For years, I had agonizing hip pain often waking me up at night and periodically causing me to limp.  X-rays only revealed mild osteoarthritis.  Gleaning information from our initial assessment, Darla suspected I also had trochanteric bursitis and had me begin a series stretches and exercises.  The results have been amazing.  I truly thought I would have to live with that pain forever.  After our first meeting, I knew Darla’s enthusiasm for life and fitness would be infectious.  She’s a wonderful and caring person and shares in your success for fitness.  Her gym is well equipped and immaculate.  Working with Darla has been the best investment in my life and I look forward to continuing my goals.  Thank you, Darla. 

Cindy, age 59

 BEFORE                                                                                               12 WEEKS AFTER

5-23-11, 179 lbs                                                                                      9-14-11, 160lbs                 

BMI 26.2, BF 32.1%                                                                             BMI: 23.5, BF: 26.7% 

Cindy continues to work on her goals, has lost a total of 20lbs now, is gaining lean mass, continues to decrease pain, increase her range of motion, and overall, continues to improve the quality of her life

I began working with Cindy in May 2011 and what a wonderful first meeting.  Cindy was ready for a change and her enthusiasm was apparent.  We began our journey as a trainer client team to improve Cindy’s quality of life while reaching her goals.  I provided the exercise & nutritional guidance and Cindy lived this philosophy not only while working with me, but outside of the training studio…this is what it takes to achieve results.  Cindy, I celebrate your accomplishments…you are truly an inspiration and motivation to those around you.   I look forward to our continued time together as we progress toward your overall fitness and life goals.
Big Stay Healthy Hugs and Trainer Pride, from your trainer and coach, Darla;) 

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Stay Healthy!

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