Yes…I absolutely love my melons…juicy, firm, and with a good thump…PERFECT!!!That was quite an opener….but now that I have your attention…I really do love my melons…WATERMELON specifically.Now where did you think I was going with this…of course I do love my physical self…but I am talking about what I put in my face to maintain the person I am today.I was doing some research for my Natural Muscle Magazine submission about…drum roll…Watermelon…and OH MY…I think I am going to eat the whole thing am a fruit girl…along with so many other healthy foods…but today I am sharing my love for watermelon.When I was a girl, my Mom would buy those huge watermelons, cut a round, put it on my plate…and how fun to sit outside on the porch enjoying such a juicy sweet treat and the best part…seeing how far I could spit the seeds…YES...I am young at heart…forever will be.What a fabulous memory.Fast forward to today…I still love watermelon and have discovered the many health benefits that my body receives when I eat my personal size slice or two or three…OK…you get the picture.Did you know thatwatermelon aids in energy production and fat loss….WOW…studies show this.This caught my immediate attention…fire up the blender for watermelon protein shakes…no kidding, my post workout shake today will contain this fabulous stay healthy fruit.Watermelon is rich in B vitamins necessary for energy production and magnesium, not to mention electrolytes that help keep my body stable as I sweat my bootie off in my studio. The antioxidant value is impressive, especially lycopene which eats up free radicals (crap in our system) reducing the risk of many diseases…that is another RIGHT ON!!! Check this out…reduction in heart disease, colon cancer, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and prostate cancer (listen up men out there).Watermelon also contains a special amino acid that helps to remove ammonia from the body…so bring on the healthy PEE…YES… I go there! A fruit that naturally aids in energy production and fat loss, is fat free, high in water content, is sweet to eat, and everything that says Stay Healthy…OK…that is going to be in my face on a daily basis for awhile.With wonderful fruit like this to eat…why turn to any fake burners, pills, powders for any quick expensive fix…THAT DOES NOT WORK…sorry, but true. Personally, I do not throw my money away on any fake promises, but fuel my body with the healthy foods necessary to keep my physique lean, strong, sexy and overall healthy….does that mean I will go and thump a few melons…YEP YEP YEP…and let me just share that I bought my melon for 97 cents.Now, that is a bargain for my Stay Healthy Body….not hard to weigh that one out…expensive fake promise not proven to work non-food items or save a butt load of money proven studied health benefits through my melons…WELL that is NOT a hard choice….I CHOOSE MY MELONS!
Motivation of the Day:Eating Healthy is Necessary for a Stay Healthy Life
My Workout of the Day:
My New Modified Me Smith Leg Press
Arc trainer: 20 minute Interval Training
BodyWork: repeated cycle 3x
Sand Bag kettle style swings 50 reps Low rows 35lbs @ 30 reps Modified pull ups on the smith bar 10-15 reps Bicycles (ab work) 50 reps Modified Smith Leg Press 50lbs @ 50 reps
My Nutrition of the Day:
(Watch the Video)
Coffee, one cup
My Watermelon Side Dish!!!
1-Post-workout shake (watermelon) 2-Powered Up Oats 3-Shredded B/S chicken breast & ½ cup brown rice 4-Cherries & protein ball 5-Lean turkey burger wrapped in Lettuce 6-Protein Pudding
Watermelon Post Shake...YUM!
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hi all go coments