Well….there I go again…not holding back and coming right out with it. I absolutely enjoy blogging and sharing my journey of how I maintain my physique through what I eat and what I do for workouts. Imagine having fabulous conversation with someone you have met for the first time at a quaint coffee shop, or eatery….what happens….what would YOU like to drink? Oh, I will get that….Right On….the dialogue, the content, and the experience was worth the price of a drink. I have been there myself and actually did not want the time to be over….LET’S KEEP GOING…THIS IS GOOD STUFF! My three or five dollars was a great investment for valuable information. I hope that is what I am bringing to you and touching you in that kind of way. I would absolutely LOVE to be able to dedicate even more time to video, especially food pieces for every meal, more motivational exercises, and of course write to you, but my time is also dictated by what I passionately do for a living as a personal trainer/consultant. This means my love for preparing the Blog may not be daily…which is a bummer. It is really fun to prepare the content, the videos and I am absolutely loving your feedback, great comments, emails…all of it is FABULOUS….and I enjoy being available. I have come up with the idea of an “Offer me a Shake” donation button in order to start building on the ability to work more for YOU. This is how I think….a little bit goes along way….3 dollars here, 5 dollars there and if enough of my followers LIKE the Blog and donate a protein shake… BOOM….this Blog could really take off and become a fabulous outlet for me and GREAT motivation for YOU. The cost of getting healthy and Staying Healthy has reached crazy heights and lots of time unaffordable for so many….I think this is wrong. I believe in making adapting a healthy lifestyle for all people possible and affordable. I also offer this to my clients that I train personally in my studio….My passion is to help as many people as I can to reach a quality of life that says I AM A HEALTHY PERSON. My love to help, to encourage, to motivate, and to celebrate every step that YOU take to getting healthy is the purpose of my sharing my life through my Blog. So, now you know what the whole blender is about….and how to use the cute little icon I chose. Let’s see what we can do together to build this Blog into me being able to spend more time with you….which would be FABULOUS….because I love to write, love to cook, and love to eat as I have shared, and you being able to benefit in a BIG way through exercise samples, cooking demos, recipes, workout plans, nutrition plans…and everything that I share about myself that will MOTIVATE you to adapt a Stay Healthy Life….All for a Shake;)
Motivation of the Day: Good Health and Happiness Walk This Life Together….Are YOU there?
My Workout for the Day:
ARC trainer for 30 minutes: (still sluggish)
Body ball work (Watch the video)
My Meal 2...BOMB GOOD!
My Nutrition for the Day: Coffee, one cup 1-Post workout shake 2-Sweet potato and egg whites 3-Protein ball & 1 orange 4-Spinach Salad & grilled Albacore tuna patty 5-Protein Pudding
Splurge Report: Mother’s Day... my daughter Hope prepared a fabulous brunch! On the menu…Pasta with fresh mozzarella & basil, Fancy finger sandwiches, & Rosemary Scones with Lemon Glaze, Fruit Skewers (hubby prepared these) . YES….I TRIED EVERYTHING!!!! I have included a personal share of my day!
Fabulous Future Chef & Daughter!
My Mother's Day Brunch!
My Daughter..The Master Chef...Thanks Babe!
New Lounge from My Hubby xoxo
Thanks Mom 4 the Love of Cooking
I LOVE my Family & Thanks for such a Beautiful Mom's Day!
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hi all go coments