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SPLURGE...It Better Be Quality!

Posted by Unknown on

Motivation of The Day: Stop Talking About It and Do IT

I LOVE MUSCLE...Print Ready Shot
Why did I choose this represents what a body can do with "clean eating" and regular workouts.  I do not take supplements, except for whey protein and my multi-vitamin packs.  A complete NATURAL girl is what I proudly am. Let me share that this represents years of consistent Stay Healthy living.  Achieving muscle mass does not happen over night and is a process of a work in progress and goal achievement.  I personally like the look of a well sculpted body and it represents art to me.  I especially love defined shoulders;) Let me also share that there is NO SUCH thing as a quick pill, powder, drink, or device that provides a "use today and gone or gained" tomorrow...I mean REALLY! That is another soap box that I can spend hours talking about.  What I do want to blog about today is how I SPLURGE...Yes...on occasion I DO SPLURGE.  Let me tell you what I think about it though.  It is not something I plan into my week and promise if I eat healthy all week, then I can have something that is not on my typical Stay Healthy choices...this feels wrong to me.  Putting something into my body that potentially is not good for me does not feel like a celebration, a gift, or a SPLURGE.  This is not to say that I do not have fabulous fun foods that are not on my menu, I just do not plan for it.  What I mean by fabulous is.....the FOOD SPLURGE BETTER BE QUALITY.  Today I am making a from scratch carrot cake for my father-in-laws birthday and that is what I mean by QUALITY.  I will not waste my taste buds on a packaged crap candy bar, cupcake, get the picture.  I will lean toward a home made brownie or apple crisp ala mode....NOW WE ARE TALKING.  Splurges are few for me so the calories better be worth it.  Let me go a bit further into how I define a SPLURGE.  I see a splurge as a non-food gift for a massage, pedicure, or new outfit...or fabulous pair of shoes.  Now that is a splurge that will be around more than 20 minutes and that sounds pretty "Right On" to me;)  

Workout of The Day: Recovery & Active Rest...A nice hour walk in the park with hubby;)

Nutrition of The Day:
1-Powered Up Steel Cut Oats
Power Protein Shake...I LOVE the Oranges right now
2-Protein Shake with fiber/fruit/yogurt/whey 
3-6 Egg Whites on Slice Organic Sprouted Bread
4-Blackened Chicken Salad (I will order this at the restaurant today)
5-Splurge: A piece of my home baked carrot cake
6-Protein Pudding

Stay Healthy!

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