Motivation of The Day: If Your Attitude Says Can’t Then You ARE DEFEATED Before YOU Begin…Life Changes Begin with I WILL TRY & TRY AGAIN!
Just ME! |
Lots to cover in such a short space. What do I mean by OH PUKE…funny…this morning I pushed myself on a strength ARC interval to the point of feeling the effects of anaerobic training….which can be…AM I GONNA PUKE OR NOT? Well….I DIDN’T….YEAH….but WHAT A THRILL RIDE. Interval training whether it be cardio or bodywork is my absolute favorite body push. Each time I utilize my ARC in this way, I try to beat my prior cal/hour burn….I got it into the 900s this morning….OH YEAH. This is when you want to cry…kidding…but not…it is really a bitter sweet 30 minutes of I am not going to let this thing beat me, and I WILL CONQUER & beat my last time. What helps me is having the proper music to motivate me through this type of workout. Today it was Classic Rock & watching my hubby perform his leg program at the same time. What a combo;) I should have placed a bucket under me to catch all the sweat…literally. YES…Girls SWEAT…it is not all about looking cute at this point. As you know all my images displayed are during or after workout, with the exception of the model shots I display…and even those are NOT photo-shopped. I want you to see the REAL me….nothing to hide or cover….and I think that is pretty cool…I hope that you agree. The remainder of my workout was just as challenging as I was already whipped by my interval training. I stretched a bit and continued on with modified back & legs, moving onto triceps and core. I like to have everything completed in an hour….then I enjoy a longer stretch at the end of my workout. If you think I spend hours in my gym working out….WRONG...I maintain myself with daily workouts of an hour in length and one recovery day per week. In my opinion, spending more than one hour is a waste of time, and honestly….things are not getting done efficiently quite frankly. OK… moving on…last night was bulk purchase night…loaded up on sweet potatoes, fruit, nuts, and whey protein. What do I mean by bulk….Check out the picture with my sweet potatoes..10lbs, moving on to oranges..8lbs, almonds…3lbs, walnuts…3lbs, and my favorite jar of almond butter…1.6lbs. Last night, I fired up the crock pots and slow cooked 3 cups steel cut oats with cinnamon sticks and flax meal and in the other…brown rice 3 cups spiced with salsa, cumin, onion, garlic, and I think every spicy thing I had in the cabinet. Those photos are included as well. As I am writing this Blog, I am crock cooking 8 chicken breasts covered with spices. The aroma in the house today will be the BOMB!!! Why do I do this….because I CAN, because it WORKS, because all my food is ready, because it keeps me accountable, because it saves money, reduces stress….and so many benefits that are fabulous…FOR THE LOVE OF BULK!
My Workout of the Day:
30 minute ARC Interval…OH PUKE;) |
Negative Pulls..Slow Controlled, Protect Neck! |
Bodywork focus back/legs/triceps/core Set 1: repeated 4xNegative pull-ups 8-10 repsHigh Step Ups 15 repsHamstring Curls 25lbs @ 15 repsSet 2: repeated 3xModified smith triceps press 15lb on bar @ 15repsCable rope push-downs 10lb @ 15repsBOSU oblique’s 20 reps each sideNutrition of the Day: Can’t wait to dig into the oats & brown rice!
Coffee, one cup please
1-Pre workout shake (the light one)2-Post Workout Shake (Powerhouse)3-Steel Cut Oats with Whey Protein Added4-B/S Chicken Breast & Spicy Brown Rice5-Spinach Salad & Roasted Chicken Breast6-Protein Pudding |
My Bulk Sweet Potatoes...One a Day;) |
Bulk Nuts...Bagged and Ready! |
Spicy Brown Rice (right) & Steel Cut Oats (left) |
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hi all go coments