I Love My BOSU Interval Workout

Posted by Unknown on

Motivation for Today: Using Lack of Time as an Excuse IS NOT AN OPTION

After My WOD...almost 47...Whoop Whoop
Wow...did I just give that motivation today....Yes I did.  I have so much to write about and today I am full of energy, ideas, and goals that I want to achieve.  I multi-tasked this morning and put together a video during my workout which I am sharing on this Blog.  This morning started out fabulous having extra time with my hubby...we enjoy working out together as much as possible, but just like everybody else, schedules do not always permit.  One thing about me is that I make time for "ME"...bluntly...I am not a hypocrite and believe I MUST walk the talk of what I teach.  That is why I am showing through my Blog what I do to maintain ME.  I get such a rush from how being healthy makes me feel.  I was just thinking that in a few weeks I will be 47...the number blows my mind, but I think it does due to how fast the time has gone.  Truly, I feel 20 something except when my neck flares up...then I may feel a bit older.  I call myself the bionic woman with the hardware that has put me back together...lol.  OK...last night I went crazy putting together different flavored protein balls....I intended to create my usual...but then my creative juices started flowing and I can always use a quick pick me up snack throughout the day.  I have posted the picture below.  The flavors: Oatmeal Raisin Vanilla Whey, Chocolate Covered Raisin Whey, Maple Cinnamon Whey, & Chocolate Whey Walnut Brownie.  I rolled some in a cinnamon flax meal coating.  I am really having fun with this product.  Speaking of time flying, I need to run get ready for my afternoon clients;)

My Workout of The Day:


My Nutrition of The Day:
Coffee - 1 cup (not my meal or fluid intake)
1-Pre-workout shake
2-Post-workout shake (the heavy one)

Stay Healthy Fitness Protein Ball Variety Pack
 3-Sweet potato fries (can't help myself) with 1/2 can albacore tuna
4-2 Stay healthy protein balls & fruit
5-Spinach Salad with apple/nuts/cranberries & shredded b/s chicken topped with salsa
6-Stay Healthy Protein Pudding

Stay Healthy!


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