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Getting it All In!!!

Posted by Unknown on

Motivation of the Day: If you always have an Excuse You Will Never get it done.

A Sweaty ME earlybird workout today!
This morning has already blended into this afternoon….what a day already. Up at 6am to have my one cup and the aroma of the spiced chicken and oats filled the house…..YEAH!!! Now…I love that kind of time saver…several meals for the week…DONE! My spontaneous self took advantage of the moment and my hubby was kind enough to film the Crockpot event. Just back in town yesterday, I had lots to get ready for with work and getting back on track….that wonderful feeling of being back home is so nice. I love to get away, but enjoy the routine of having my foods ready to go, sleeping in my own bed, etc. Well…yes, I had lots to do, and I am jamming around here today in a flurry and multi-tasking in a huge way. While I am putting together my Blog videos, I am also putting away my chicken and oats into containers for the week…a load and load scenario. It works…and I will not let having much to do get in the way of getting in my workout. I could simply say…too many files to prep, food to cook, laundry to do, emails to answer, blogs to write, articles to prepare, recipes to create…on and on…and I know that many people DO that. Not this girl….hence the motivational saying for the day. Really, the laundry will still be there and the dishes will too….what does not remain the same from moment to moment is ME and YOU. I refuse to deprive myself of the moments that matter….and one of those is taking care of me….because…my health is my wealth. It is a thrill ride to challenge myself and see how efficiently I can multi-task and get it all in….do I feel a bit of pressure….YES…but…healthy pressure can be a good thing. It drives me to be an efficient person, trainer, wife and mother. If I did not follow through and created excuses for things…YIKES…what the heck kind of life and person would I be? How could I exemplify to myself, family, friends, clients, and YOU the importance of a Stay Healthy Life. I really would not even be here creating this Blog for you….because there would be some sort of excuse to not do that….No Way. I am not that kind of person….I will get it all in. Even through camera technical difficulties today…you will see in the videos….I did not get discouraged…but continued along at a good pace to complete my daily goals. I fit in completion of my Blog in between my clients and still was able to get the food in the refrigerator…do I have crock pots in my sink…YES…but they will be there when I get off work all soaked for an easy clean. Being successful at anything in life is about balance, no excuses, and getting it all in. I not only have a goal but I reach for those goals…..My goal for today was to complete my workout before my clients, finish this Blog before client 3, get my Crockpot meals into the refrigerator, review files, and answer a few emails….and I DID IT!!!! How do I feel….Accomplished….No Excuses for this Girl;)

My Nutrition for the Day:

Coffee, one cup please
I buy chicken in bulk for crockpot
1-Post workout Shake
2-Powered Up Oats
3-B/S shredded chicken on sprouted bread with avocado
4-Fruit & 2 protein balls
5-Egg White Scramble with Spinach Salad
6-Protein Pudding

My Workout of the Day:

ARC Trainer 35 minutes – Strength Interval

Body Work ~ completed 4 sets of the following

Negative pull ups 10 reps
Lunge back kick forward 25 reps per leg
Leg Extensions 25lbs @ 25 reps
Hamstring Curls 25lbs @ 25 reps
Lunge back kick forward 25 reps per leg
Low Rows 30lbs @ 25 reps
Lunge back kick forward 25 reps per leg

Post Shake Coming Up!



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hi all go coments