Stay Healthy Stuffed Peppers for Dinner and Darla Fitness Challenge

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Hi Readers!!!

How are you doing on your nutrition??? Are you starting to eat the Stay Healthy way? All the tools are right here in front of take a minute, STOP WATCHING TV (see my fitness challenge), dash to the grocery and try some Stay Healthy Stuffed Peppers for Dinner. All the recipes I am providing for you are created by me, taste tested by me, and I GUARANTEE that you will absolutely LOVE the flavors, textures, and aromas coming from cooking the foods, and enjoy the wonderful tastes from a healthy home cooked meal.....nothing gets better than that. Take some time for an after dinner walk when you are done eating and really treat yourself to some quality "ME" time. The August issue of Natural Muscle Magazine features my Stay Healthy Stuffed Peppers on page 40.....Pull it up and let's get cooking!!!!

Enjoy and Stay Healthy!
Darla Benfield, LCPT, LCMT

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