Follow Up Fitness, Motivation, and Sharing

Posted by Unknown on

Hi readers

Are you becoming motivated????? What are you doing for that nutrition and exercise program…..Changes being implemented…..even baby changes. Today is the day after Thanksgiving and the pumpkin pie was wonderful…. How did you do over Thanksgiving? Did you read my last blog on “Eating for the Holidays”? Christmas is just around the corner and filled with wonderful temptations like cookies, fudge, candy, and let’s not forget that Christmas cheer…alcohol. Before you dive into December, re-read my November 17th blog and glean motivation to enjoy the holidays healthfully. The votes are in and my next article will be on “How to Gain Muscle”. I love this topic and look forward to addressing it.

Jumping into my morning…..I wanted to share my breakfast creation….leftover mashed potatoes, egg whites, pepper and spices. In a skillet, I heated up the potatoes making them a bit crispy and added the whisked egg whites. Added a bit of pepper and a pinch of salt. I also had some High Five Fiber bread……and Yummmmm…..protein, carbs, fiber….the works and perfect for my mid morning run!!!! I will probably hit a bit of weights before enjoying a fab protein shake. I am in a stage in my life where I utilize my time and exercise efficiently…..but there is always TIME….whether 20 minutes or one hour….I am a NO EXCUSES trainer and exercise ME time person. So…..if you hit me up with the NO TIME thing….I will definitely give you suggestions but simply refuse to accept that…..I think if you are honest with yourself, you would also come to the same conclusion….but sometimes it does take someone to kick you in the mental and physical bootie to get you going.

For those running on FITNESS STALE or BURN OUT and do not DO IT because the motivation is well…..burned out….

It is important to remember the stages of your fitness program and when it has become stale….now is the time to step it up. Also, if you have been performing the same routine for months or even years….guess what…time for a change. The body is very adaptable to routine and to ensure muscle confusion, changing up your exercise program will not only fire up the muscle fibers, but also bring a new mental outlook to your routine. Every one likes something brand new….right? Or another good line…. “Variety is the Spice of Life.” So spice up that routine that may have you in a non-motivational rut by trying weight resistance training, plyometrics, circuit training, or a boot camp workout just to list a few.

Stay healthy!


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